Journey an Empty World with The Void Wanderer

From the fog-shrouded environs beyond the gloomy shadows of the decaying building of your respite, a new entity of sonic ephemera emerges into the Cryo Chamber transom. The Void Wanderer invites listeners into a sonic realm where introspection meets extraplanar exploration, the intangible coalesces into form, only to be minutely swept away into billowing sheets of gentle tonality in this debut release, Empty World. The album’s cover art, showing mountains of fog beyond the dingy windows of an empty room perfectly set the tone and mood for this new journey of gentle sojourn.

The composition of this album is a gentle mosaic, a soft blanket of underlying synths with slowly evolving textures - a delicate meandering into a placid state of relaxation. There are subtleties to the languorous, tonal directions this album takes, each transition softly flowing into the next refrain, evoking the feeling of being lost in an empty world. Proffering an apt title, and equally apt project name, Empty World shares a familiar timbre, and for fans of the late artist responsible for Mount Shrine (RIP Cesar), you will undoubtedly enjoy this mesmerizing, slow journey into an empty world of Nature’s reclamation - for such is the album description given.

This is the music of ephemeral rumination, the soundtrack of delicate dreams, blanketed with the cloying embrace of the fog beyond the walls. Subtle field recordings fold seamlessly with the slowly evolving textures of soft pads and delicate reverbs ensure that fans of subdued ambience and soft atmospherics will love this release. You can pick up Empty World by The Void Wanderer in CD digipak and digital formats on the Cryo Chamber bandcamp page.