Hulu's 'Into The Dark' Delivers On Mother's Day Madness

Into The Dark

Into The Dark

In October of 2018, Hulu teamed with Blumhouse Television to bring horror fans a monthly morsel of the macabre aptly titled Into The Dark. Receiving rave reviews, Into The Dark was renewed, and the second season premiered just in time for Halloween-2019. The series capitalizes on this unique approach by exploring a holiday that occurs within the month in which the episode is released. It’s only appropriate to start such an endeavor in October, isn’t it? Each installment is feature-length, and no corners are cut on the cinematography. Blumhouse leaves their signature mark, spinning each chosen day of celebration with a sinister twist. Delivered, the eighth and impending episode of Season 2, is available on Hulu May 8th, 2020. Mother’s Day weekend.

Delivered blends elements of Misery and Rosemary’s Baby to birth a bloody Mother’s Day massacre. Written by Dirk Blackman (Underworld: Rise of the Lycans) and directed by Emma Tammi (The Wind), this tale chronicles the many struggles of our mother-to-be and lead character Valerie( Natalie Paul, The Sinner). The episode tackles the tribulations that may come with motherhood, relationship, self-doubt, and more importantly, with baby-stealing best friends. I want to keep spoilers to a minimum as the episode has not aired yet, but a nod of congratulations is in order to Tina Majorino (Napoleon Dynamite) for some serious Annie Wilkes moves and moments. I hope that’s not too much of a spoiler, as I don’t enjoy heavy spoilers in reviews myself, but I feel the “nope.” vibes are definitely present early-on. Aren’t we are being led Into The Dark, after all?

Valeria (Paul) and husband (Joël Dupont) decide to join a prenatal yoga class and encounter an overzealous new acquaintance in supposed pediatric nurse Jenny (Majorino). Intended Pokemon reference or not, I like the touch. Nurse Jenny seems a bit too eager to befriend this random couple she bumped into in yoga class, but maybe I’m just a victim of the current Social Distancing Era. I’ll give Valeria a pass, however, as she has a lot going on in her life. With a persistent ex (Micah Joe Parker) looming in the background and the pressures of motherhood mounting, who could blame her for not foreseeing the horrors to come?

Natalie Paul, Delivered

Natalie Paul, Delivered

I would recommend you watch Delivered before you take your mother out to dinner on the 10th. Use the time to reflect and to appreciate what she could have gone through to bring you into this world. You never know just how much blood was split before you were born. Filled with classic callbacks and familiar themes, Into the Dark delivers on the promise of Mother’s Day Madness. You can watch Delivered this Friday on Hulu!

This episode gets a 9 out 10 on the Madness Meter!

Directed by: Emma Tammi

Written by: Dirk Blackman

Stars: Natalie Paul, Tina Majorino, Micah Joe Parker, Joël Dupont, Rosslyn Luke

Execution Producer(s): Jason Blum, Lauren Downey, Alexander Koehne


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